Friday, September 27, 2013

You Already Know What To Do

I went in for my regular teeth cleaning today and while I was there I had a few thoughts that I wanted to share today.

When you go to the dentist what is the question that the hygienist always asks you? Well they always ask me if I've been flossing and I always answer no! I know that I need to floss everyday and I know that flossing helps to prevent gum disease. Yet, when I get there I always have the same answer. How insane is that?!?!

To make a long story short, what would happen if we simply did those things that we already know we should be doing? How would our personal, professional or even spiritual lives be different?

Watch below to hear the rest of my thoughts.

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PS: Are you stressed and in need of a vacation? Save Money with our VIP Vacation Club!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It's Not Them, It's you!

You are the one. I am the one.

No this blog is not about the Matrix. It's about taking responsibility. I've found that it's far to easy to spend a ridiculous amount of time being consumed with what other people are or aren't doing. Complaining about a boss that is incompetent or lacks leadership is easy. It is very easy to complain about an employee that seems lazy or uninspired. Maybe your downline expects you to do all the work and they will just sit back and reap the rewards.

Go deep into your mind and think about those people that you love to complain about. How much does your complaining change them? How much does your complaining to YOURSELF or OTHER PEOPLE help to facilitate change? The bottom line is that you can't change them but you can change yourself. The even better news is that sometimes they will become inspired by YOU and will change THEMSELVES!

Check out my video below for my thoughts on "Being The Change".

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PS: If a vacation is in your future, check out our VIP Vacation Club!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Don't Settle, Go After Your Dreams!

Do you get up everyday and go to work pursuing your dreams and passions? If you're like me the answer is probably no. Well it doesn't have to be that way. No matter what your current job, vocation or career may be, you can still pursue those things that energize you and make you excited about life.

Watch the video to learn more about pursuing your dreams and how to start today!

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PS: If a vacation is in your future, check out our VIP Vacation Club!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Plan to Succeed

Do you find yourself constantly running and doing but not really accomplishing anything? Do you get to the end of your day and wonder what happened and where all the time went? If you look back over the last year do you see progress or are you in about the same place?

If that doesn't sound like you then I congratulate you but it definitely describes a lot of my days and the general direction of my life for a long time. After making a simple change I found that I had more hours in the day! Well that's not exactly true but I was able to accomplish more with the same amount of hours.

Watch the video below for my thoughts on having a plan!

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PS: Don't like to plan vacations? Checkout our VIP Vacation Club!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Imperfectly Perfect

If you're like me you may suffer with a touch of perfectionism. It effect everyone differently but for me it tends to lead to procrastination or projects that are turned in late and sometimes unfinished. In my striving for perfection I tend to run from imperfection. I've come to realize that a lot of it is just in
my head. I'm much harder on myself than anyone else is!

Does that sound like you? Do you struggle meeting the high expectation you've set for yourself? Checkout the video below for some of my thoughts on dealing with this issue of perfection or imperfection.

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PS: I can't help with the perfect vacation but if you're looking for a great one, check out our  VIP Vacation Club!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Overcoming the Habit of Fear

Do you struggle with fear? Does your fear keep you from doing those things that you know you should be doing? Does it keep you from doing those things that you know will move you towards your goal?

Watch this video to learn the strategy that I employ to help myself overcome the fears that cripple me. If it can work for me then surely it will work for you!

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PS: Are you stressed and in need of a vacation? Save Money with our VIP Vacation Club!