Friday, March 29, 2013

Book Review: The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

Somehow I was able to reach the very end of my 20s and not read ANYTHING by John C. Maxwell. Sure, I had heard his name mentioned in the area of leadership and knew he was an authority in that realm but still hadn't read anything of his. Recently I decided--because of my long commute--to get back into the habit of listening to audio books. As I was looking for something worthwhile I came across John C. Maxwell's The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth. I did not realize this was his latest book, nor did I realize that it would affect me so profoundly and be the catalyst for the new journey of my life.

First let me say that while the audio version is amazing and John's voice quite soothing, if you are really serious about implementing the principles in this book you will need this in print. The book follows what seems to be Maxwell's pattern in that it gives a numbered list followed by details regarding each of those aspects. As with any list this large there are some areas that may seem to overlap or be redundant. Admittedly, this was annoying at first, however, I later began to use this as a way of reinforcing the ideas. Each chapter gives practical ways to implement the law that it discusses and really the book is intended to promote action, not simply be read. The author himself suggests implementing a chapter per week.

In summary, I would say that the biggest help to me in this book is the idea that personal growth is not automatic. It must be intentional. If you are serious about getting started in the area of personal growth I can't recommend this book enough. Get the printed copy, a highlighter, a notepad and intentionally get to work on your growth journey.

Since this book impacted me so greatly, I am going to do a blog series that goes through each of Maxwell's 15 laws and hopefully give you incentive to read the book and get started on your own journey. Stay tuned!
 “If you wish to achieve worthwhile things in your personal and career life, you must become a worthwhile person in your own self-development.” ― Brian Tracy

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


"The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started" - Dawson Trotman 

This post will not be long but that isn't the point. This is the first of many but it is the first. Today I chose to stop waiting for the right words or the perfect topic. I chose to stop waiting for qualifications or permission from someone else to do what was in my heart to do. I could not wait for the perfect set of circumstances because things will never be perfect. 

I am intrigued by the study of quality control as well as personal growth and excellence. That is why I've titled this blog QC (Quality Control) Your Life. This blog will chronicle my thoughts on these topics as well as gather the thoughts of those who are well versed in these topics. 

So the lesson for today is to start. Whatever it is...start. Start today being the person you want to be 5 or 10 years from now. Even though it may not be perfect...start.
